This is a parent page for notes and progress reports on projects. Note that such progress among this many projects is destined to be slow.

Each project, whether current or potential[1], should have the following parts, even if not all of them are filled in.

  • Summary (or “What”): High-level description of the product/yield of this project, perhaps in one sentence.
  • Reasoning (or “Why”): Describes the ways that the existence of the target demographic would be improved by the product.
  • Specification: Low-level breakdown of specific features, especially those features that specifically apply to the argument in Reasoning and those features that differentiate the product from similar products already available.
  • Progress: That which is already on hand.
    • Tasks that have already been completed.
    • Resources (tools, materials, intelligence) that have already been collected.
  • Requisites: As exhaustively as possible, all pending tasks and resources necessary for the completion of the product.
    • Each item in Requisites should list, again as exhaustively as possible, all other requisites necessary to complete the requisite.
      • As a requisite, “the usual suspects” or “TUS” refers to ever-present difficulties not specific to the project, particularly lack of spare time and lack of funding. These are implicit in all pending items, but might be explicit in places.

Don’t be surprised if a project doesn’t match this setup, though. It’s a work in progress.

The Back Burner page in particular lists ideas for projects that have yet to be significantly initiated.

  1. [1]Pun not intended (current and voltage, the latter aka potential, are both electrical quantities).


These are ideas that I’ve come up with for projects which I have either not started or not finished. This page is a working log of things I need to remember to work on when and if the opportunity presents itself. If you manage to do any of these things, I’d like to see. Products …

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Summary A CNC (computer numerical control) milling machine is a device that renders computer-created designs into solid material by precisely moving a drilling/routing tool according to digital instructions based on the designs. It could also be coerced to work like a plotter by replacing the drill with a pen, or possibly as a paper/vinyl cutter …

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Summary A breadboard-friendly breakout board with several common and normally bothersome devices and interfaces already taken care of. Reasoning The product would deal with two annoyances in breadboarding certain interfaces, each depending on the interface. Some interfaces have only a surface-mount package available; the breakout provides for presenting a breadboardable interface. Some interfaces simply involve …

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