This is a parent page for notes and progress reports on projects. Note that such progress among this many projects is destined to be slow.
Each project, whether current or potential[1], should have the following parts, even if not all of them are filled in.
- Summary (or “What”): High-level description of the product/yield of this project, perhaps in one sentence.
- Reasoning (or “Why”): Describes the ways that the existence of the target demographic would be improved by the product.
- Specification: Low-level breakdown of specific features, especially those features that specifically apply to the argument in Reasoning and those features that differentiate the product from similar products already available.
- Progress: That which is already on hand.
- Tasks that have already been completed.
- Resources (tools, materials, intelligence) that have already been collected.
- Requisites: As exhaustively as possible, all pending tasks and resources necessary for the completion of the product.
- Each item in Requisites should list, again as exhaustively as possible, all other requisites necessary to complete the requisite.
- As a requisite, “the usual suspects” or “TUS” refers to ever-present difficulties not specific to the project, particularly lack of spare time and lack of funding. These are implicit in all pending items, but might be explicit in places.
- Each item in Requisites should list, again as exhaustively as possible, all other requisites necessary to complete the requisite.
Don’t be surprised if a project doesn’t match this setup, though. It’s a work in progress.
The Back Burner page in particular lists ideas for projects that have yet to be significantly initiated.
- [1]Pun not intended (current and voltage, the latter aka potential, are both electrical quantities).↩